STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 12/21/06
Fleetway's Sonic the Comic issues 92 and 93 have been added to the archive. Convieniantly issue 93 is Christmas themed.

Help Wanted - Vector 12/20/06
Sonic HQ needs another PHP coder who can help me to add features to some script prototypes and extend them for use in multiple types of pages (email freddyg NOSPAM AT sprynet DOT COM). A person who can be on AIM or MSN often is preferred because this will be an object oriented design (I can teach you how to use such a design if you don't know, and can teach an aspiring PHP coder quite a few tricks) and will require some cooperation in designing code.

We also need content writers, especially in games, and a community game info project is being organized here.

Another position we could use help in is a "project manager" who can help to organize the community game info into pages on the site.

Sonic HQ Back On - Vector 9/24/06
We were hacked twice, but the site is back up.

STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 8/16/06
Fleetway/StC issue 91 has been added to the comic archive.

Sonic HQ Has Moved! - Vector 7/2/06
We are now coming to you in no popup glory! Changing links is unneccessary (pages automatically redirect) and we'll be switching back to the domain if the admin of EmuZone's host, ZTNet, responds.

NOTE: Some people are getting popups on the main page. This is related to one of the trackers but I haven't figured out which one yet.

Summer of Sonic - True Red 6/29/06

I know this is nearly a week late, but check out the Summer of Sonic website if you haven't already. There's a lot of great stuff there from the Sonic fan community at large. ;)

Comics & Fan-Fic - True Red & Dirk Amoeba 6/29/06
Comics: The review for Sonic The Hedgehog #162 has been posted. Story and cover scans have been posted for Sonic The Hedgehog #162-163 and Sonic X #8-9. The archive entries for Sonic The Hedgehog #162-163 and Sonic X #8-9 have been updated. The previews now go up to Sonic The Hedgehog #167 and Sonic X #12.

Fan-Fic: One new author, Kiwi Kenobi, has a SatAM-centered fic up. Go check it out.

STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 6/28/06
StC/Fleetway issues 89 and 90 have been added to the comic archive.

Store - True Red 5/13/06
Links to pre-ordering/ordering the following games, books, CDs, or DVDs have been added: Sonic Advance/Sonic Pinball Party Combo Pack, Sonic Heroes/Super Monkey Ball Combo, Sonic Mega Collection Plus/Super Monkey Ball Combo, Lost & Found: Shadow The Hedgehog Vocal Tracks, Sonic Riders Official Strategy E-Guide/Guide, Sonic X Vol. 10: The Beginning of the End, Sonic X: Aqua Planet, Sonic X: Battle at Ice Palace, and Sonic X: Dr. Eggman Goes to War. The link to Ace Comics (a UK-based site for ordering Archie Comics) has been updated. The links to Komics and DieCastExpress have been removed.

Comics - True Red 4/25/06
Story scans have been posted for Sonic X #6-7 and cover scans for Sonic X #5-7. The archive has been updated for Sonic X #5-7. The previews now go up to Sonic X #11 and Sonic The Hedgehog #165.

Welcome to Sally Moon HQ - True Red 4/2/06
Sorry for the domain issues that have kept the site down for a few days for some people (including myself and the rest of the staff). However, it's back up and better than ever with a new star: Sally Moon. She's the perfect mix of alien/anthromorph due to her past life on the Mobian Moons while currently living on Mobius (think of it as Earth if you hate the name "Mobius" a lot). Considering the recent usage of aliens in the games, cartoons, and comics as well as some other recent news, it makes perfect sense to adjust the site accordingly. ^_^

STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 3/16/06
Fleetway/StC issues 87 and 88 have been added to the comic archive.

Editorials & Comics - True Red & Dirk Amoeba 2/25/06
Editorials: One editorial has been revised, so check it out.

Comics: Story scans for Sonic X #5 have been posted. The Sonic X archive has been updated to Sonic X #9 and the Sonic The Hedgehog archive has been updated to Sonic The Hedgehog #163.

STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 1/26/06
Issues 127 and 128 have been added for the Sonic the Comic section of the archive. These issues feature stories of Amy and Tails's lives before they joined the Freedom Fighters.

Archie Previews updated - Dirk Amoeba 1/21/06
The Archie encyclopedia has seen more updates and revisions. Many of the characters appearing in recent issues have been affected by this. Nack, Heavy, Bomb, Ash, Elias, King Max, Dulcy and others have been updated.

Also, just one new profile this time, but it's not for a character in recent issues. Rather, it's a character in an upcoming issue: Scourge the Hedgehog, the new form of Evil Sonic. Check it out!

Sonic Ads - Vector 1/19/06
Emulationzone's Sonic Ads page is up in videos.

STC Archive Update - Sam Cyber Cat 1/19/06
STC issues 121, 122 and 124 have been added to the comic archive. Also issues missing from the archive (Currently issues 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 100, 101, 106, 119 and 123) have been marked as so.

Comics, Fan Fics, & Store - True Red 1/14/06
Comics: The Archie 2005 Year in Review survey has now begun. The deadline is March 4, 2006, unless you have a reason for a delay in your submission--which must be given before the deadline.

Fan Fics: There's a new email address for fan fic submission:

Store: Links to pre-ordering Sonic Riders and the Sonic X Vol. 9 (4Kids) DVD were added.

Comics & Fan Fair - True Red & Dirk Amoeba 1/9/06
Comics: Reviews have been posted for Sonic X #2, Sonic X #3, and Sonic The Hedgehog #156.

Fan Fair: A new editorial on Shadow's history has been posted as well as a new fan fic by a new author to the site.