The Time Capsule
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The Time Capsule

Whether you're a long-time visitor looking for some nostalgia, or a new visitor wanting to find out about Sonic HQ's origins, The Time Capsule chronicles the history of Sonic HQ and allows access to the pages used during the site's earlier days. Even the design of the Time Capsule is nostalgic.

The Original Geocities Design | The First Emulation Zone Design

Sonic HQ Timeline

Zifei's Star Wars Fan Page - February - 1996
Zifei's Sonic Page - June 26, 1997
Mobius Forum added - July 25, 1997
Rebel Interactive - December, 1997
Sonic HQ - April 11, 1998
Sonic HQ moves to Emuzone - January 1, 1999
First 100,000-hit Sonic site - March 25, 1999
Zifei retires from SHQ - September 1, 1999
Andy sets up domain - April 11, 2000
Forum moves to EZBoard - June, 2000
Mega Man HQ opens - August 7, 2000
WB retires from SHQ - April 20, 2001
Game Index relaunched with new design - May 7, 2001
First 1,000,000-hit Sonic site - September 26, 2001

Hit Records

100,000 - Anthony - March 25, 1998
150,000 - Admiral Brandon Michael Hedgehog - June, 1999
200,000 - Ultra Sonic - 4:30pm Pacific August 11, 1999
300,000 - ??? - Mid-November 1999
333,333 - Vector - 5:28pm Pacific Jan 7, 2000
350,000 - Brian Sapinski - 4:30pm Pacific Feb 1, 2000
400,000 - Brian Searles - April 11, 2000
450,000 - Kulock - June 23, 2000
500,000 - Hiroshi - 4:28am Pacific August 20, 2000
550,000 - Douchie - October 13, 2000
600,000 - Blueblur - December 4, 2001
700,000 - Ray The Squirrel - March 12, 2001
800,000 - Russ - May 31, 2001
900,000 - Sam31415 - 10:22am Pacific July 28, 2001
1,000,000 - Nathan "Segaholic2" Tsui & Ashura The Hedgehog
 (Simultaneous Hit) - 1:29am Pacific September 26, 2001
1,500,000 - Psxphile - 9:00pm Pacific May 19,20,21,or 22, 2002
1,750,000 - Genrader - 10:08pm August 20, 2002