Just who makes up the Sega Sonic Universe? From Bean The Dynamite Duck and Big the Cat to Doctor Robotnik and The Battlebird Armada and EVEN covering the extensive Badnik Army, the Who's Who section gets you up to date on just who the heroes, items, places - and resident villians - are that run rampant across the lands of Mobius and otherwise!!!

Located here you can find the Who's Who and Whats's What, as well as the Where's Where of The Sega Sonic the Hedgehog Universe.....

The Games Gallery: Who's Who ?

Friends Through Thick And Thin....

Sonic Team Presents...
With every great character, there must come a supporting cast behind it. When it all began it was just Sonic and The Eggman in a no holds barred race to stop him from a task he had already near completed - total roboticisation of Sonic's friends....beginning with his territory of South Island and ending with all of Mobius!!! Sonic, being the hero that he is, stopped him just in time by taking Eggman - and his original base located in The Scrap Brain down for the count. Later it became a young, orphaned two-tailed fox, rejected by his peers because of the way he looked, who helped him on his quest - that fox, affectionately nicknamed "Tails", would go on to help his "Big Brother" thwart Robotnik's most diabolical plans - as well as making a couple enemies of his own....

The Sonic Universe has grown leaps and bounds since its inception in Sonic The Hedgehog 1. Be the universe Archie, Fleetway, or Sega Sonic - one thing has to be said - Without these extra characters, be they bit players or major additions, it would be VERY hard for the focal character to advance both mentally and physically without them. The fun in the whole thing, isn't just one character - but how he interacts with the many characters around him. Basically it makes the character LESS 2-dimensional (flat) and more 3-dimensional....These profiles will concentrate ONLY on the Sega Sonic Universe. to find out about characters in any other continuity - a separate page has been created for them on our Comics section.

So without further ado - the heroes, AND VILLIANS of the Sega Sonic Universe....

Heroes Of The Sonic Universe!!!


Locations Of The Sonic Universe!!!


Villians Of The Sonic Universe!!!


Villians Of The Sonic Universe!!! - The Badnik Army
