How To Send Scores

Click here to send scores. Please include the following if applicable:

1. The Time, Rings, and Total Bonus you have at the end of any level (in unscored levels like Hidden Palace, the bonus is set to 0 for everyone).
2. The character you were playing as (if the game has multiple characters).
3. The name you want to use.
4. A color for your name. It can be a word (blue) or a hexadecimal code (0000FF).
5. If you want, an e-mail address or website that your name will link to.


1. Don't send any scores that you got while using a code.
2. Of course, you shouldn't send any scores that you made up.
3. The 'Overall 1-3' rankings on each act are determined by your Total Bonus at the end of the act, which takes both Time and Rings into account. I can figure out the bonus you got from your time and rings, but it is easier if you include this info. It's not required, though.