Sonic HQ / Fan Fair / Fan Art / Spiny the Porcupine

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Sonic HQ Fan Art | Spiny the Porcupine aka spinyporc
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Sonic the Hedgehog

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Sonic the Hedgehog again 

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Sonic's SA style while saying Peace.

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This is what I'm like when we have Pizza delivered. :) 

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Sonic once again saying Peace. ^_^

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little doodle I did in the car 2 hours before we got to Muskgegon. Never EVER mess with my temper....^_^ all characters (C) Sega. And'm (C)myself 

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I'm about to start a fossilized artwork week!!! I did this back when Sonic Ideal barley updated so I started my own series. The guy on the flying thing is my main char Spiny the porcupine! Oh,and the panel with the dialog that you can't read is:
Spiny:Now what do we do about Nack?
Sonic:We'll have to decide--sooner or later!
Sonic and other chars(C) by Sega and Archie and Spiny is(C) by me! Sonic Ideal(C)Dawn Best.

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The second page of the comic! Sonic and co(C) Archie and Sega.Spiny(C)me. And Sonic Ideal (C)Dawn best.

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page three of the comic!Sonic and co.(C)Archie and Sega.Spiny(C)me.Sonic Ideal(C)Dawn Best.

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Amy Rose...SA style.....staring.... Amy Rose(C)Sega and Archie.

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Hey watta ya' know I'm the first to draw Mina!!! I would think I would be the last since I barley update. :( Mina (C) Archie and Sega(don't it suck that any char Archie thinks of is also Segas?)

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page four of my version of the Sonic Ideal. Sonic Ideal (c)Dawn Best.
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Page five of my version of the Sonic Ideal.This is where I
stopped the project. Sonic Ideal (c)Dawn Best.
Spiny the Porcupine