Sonic HQ / Fan Fair / Fan Art / Tony Ferraro

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Sonic HQ Fan Art | Toni Ferraro aka Chuckie Chipmunk

sallamy.jpg | 07/21/99 | 97KB

Pic of Sally and Amy in Sonic 2 style
amytails.jpg | 07/21/99 | 5KB

Amy 'n' Tails. 'Nuff said
group2.jpg | 07/21/99 | 22KB

Sonic and Sally with their little buddies!
psallya.jpg | 07/21/99 | 7KB

First Sally I drew by memory... =P
sallamy.gif | 07/21/99 | 25KB

Sally and Amy posing next to each other (Sally was a traceoff though...)
dulchuck.jpg | 07/21/99 | 13KB

My character, Chuckie Chipmunk, riding on Dulcy
amya1.gif | 07/21/99 | 57KB

I tried drawing the Amy from Sonic Adventure
sally1.gif | 07/21/99 | 25KB

Traceoff from the golden book "Secret Admirier" but I changed hair color and added vest
tailsf.jpg | 07/21/99 | 4KB

Traceoff from goldenbook "Secret Admirier"
sonicmoon.jpg | 07/21/99 | 9KB

B/W Sonic and Sailor Moon (It looks messed up, though... I forgot to draw Sailor Moon's hand...
bunshow2.jpg | 08/17/99 | 65KB

A little comic, dedicated to my soon-to-be Bunnie Rabbot project fan created cartoon series.
furryscouts.gif | 10/30/99 | 35KB

Here's a (rather HORRIBLE) picture of the Furry Scouts, made up of Lupe Jupiter, Hershey Mars, Sally Moon, Bunnie Venus, and Flower Mercury ((my character))
chibirose.gif | 10/30/99 | 49KB

And here's Sailor Chibi Rose! ^.^
stcrossd.jpg | 10/30/99 | 18KB

I dunno WHAT possed me to draw this pic, but here's Sonic and Tails.. erm.. cross dressing as women ^.^0
bighershey.gif | 10/30/99 | 45KB

Aww... aren't they cute?